Our Story

responsive design

Often I’m asked how we got started on the web.
In 1997, we had a prepress business in the printing industry when a client approached us about building a web site.

You know how you get those nay Sayers, people who say no we can’t do it.

Well, I refused to listen.
I was determined to learn what the web was all about.

How could we help our client build their first website?

Did we do it? Hell yeah!

Why did we do it?
Because, I’m passionate about this tech stuff.

Is that person who said we can’t with us still?
Absolutely not.

The client I’m talking about is Coopers Brewery, we built several sites which were revolutionary for the time.

You’d be nuts to say no to them anyway.

Like Coopers, our clients listen to our expert advice, it helps you take courageous business action.

This is our Brave story, what’s yours?
